. Reiki is . . .

*Universal life force energy that balances & restores your body and all layers of the aura (etheric,emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual).

*Vibrational Boost of healing energy. The high frequencies clear accumulation of lower, denser energies, thought patterns, energetic blocks and traumas that are stored in the body and mind

*A recognized method of holistic treatment used around the world, that can get to the root cause of ailments.

*Passed on from teacher to student through the initiation called the attunement or placement. Or from practitioner to client during a treatment session.

* A clearing of negative energy “byoki”

* balancing of mind, body, and spirit

*Easy to learn but takes time to develop a relationship and larger channel.

* A way to release trauma stored within the body.

*A tool for pain management, emotional balancing, and stress reduction. It is  used in hosptals surgery recovery, cancer centers, birthing centers, psychotherapy, private practice, and individually.

Reiki Is Not . . . 

*A replacement for medical care, psychiatric, therapeutic, or professional healthcare


*a psychic reading

*A religion, cult, or new age

*Body scanning



*Self taught


*Chakras *although it can balance & clear centers

*Crystals or essential oils  *although can be added to “amp” treatment

*For those resistant to healing