Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday! It has officially been one year that I have been at the Whitnall Park Office Building providing Reiki healing sessions. Thank you for your continued support and referrals, I am very grateful for this. I am excited to provide another year of service.  Yet this year, I am moving offices in March to Family Acupuncture and Herbal Therapies, LLC. I am excited about this new place as it is a beautiful healing space located in Hales Corners.

Remember how peaceful and relaxed you felt after your Reiki session? Why not start out 2013 with this wonderful balancing energy. Reiki heals on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It knows no order, and a treatment gives you exactly what you need, where you need it.  Although regular treatments are best in unblocking and redirecting your energy flow, a session can help boost your energy, reduce stress and anxiety, and give you peace of mind (at least for an hour any way ).  Mention this newsletter when you book a session and get $10 off a $60 session or $25 off an already discounted 3 pack for $125. That is a deal, so take me up on it; you deserve it! If you haven’t tried a session new clients are $30!

Right now I’m teaching 1-2 times a month.  Taking a Reiki class is an everlasting gift.  If you already have Reiki, are you ready to move onward? It’s worth contemplation as the benefits are infinite —if you use it.

Have you gotten away from practicing?  Need a review? I am starting a Reiki share in June. I’m waiting to see how my schedule rolls out before I finalize a date. It will be a couple of hours in the evening, once a month at my office. All attuned to Reiki are welcome to attend.  My intention is to provide a space so people may practice giving and receiving treatments. More information regarding a Reiki share will be forthcoming. I’m excited about this and hope to see you there. If you’d like, send me an email and let me know if this is something that interests you, I’d love the feedback.

I’ve really committed the past 5 months to establishing a daily practice of ME time. I’m inclined to write about this now, because I think at the beginning of the New Year people review, reflect, and envision what they want more or less of in their life.  I take 15 minutes every morning to sit and do connected breathing. At first I totally resisted doing this, as I thought of the laundry list of things I could be doing, more things that I needed to get done! I remind myself that I deserve this time and make myself sit. This simple exercise has given me such clarity throughout my day. I think part of what makes it work, is I do it at the same time everyday and now it’s just part of my routine in the morning that I’ve carved out, and I love it.

Regardless of what you do, take some time for you! If 15 minutes is too much, try 5 minutes, 5 days a week. The beauty of it is it’s your practice and it has to work for you.  This should be something you enjoy. Whether you write, walk, meditate, or even take a relaxing salt bath; take some consistent time for you. Do what you feel guided to do. The difference it makes is well worth the effort. In fact, I have a couple of versions of my practice now, some shorter or longer depending on the day. I never thought my nagging mind would stop, now she gently reminds me to do my practice, because I’m better at everything when I am good to myself first.

I wish you a wonderful New Year and I hope to see you sometime soon in 2013. Thanks so much for your business; I’m having so much fun doing this work.

With gratitude,

Rhiana Tehan

Reiki Class Schedule

Date                                    Class                                                Time                        Place           

1/12                                    ART Reiki Master                        9-5                        Private Practice

1/26                                    Reiki Level One for Teens            9-4                        MHSA

2/2                                    Reiki Level Two                        9-5                        Private Practice

3/2                                    Reiki Level One                        9-5                        Private Practice

3/23                                    Reiki Level Two                        9-5                        Franklin Recreation

4/13                                    Reiki Level One                         9-5                        Franklin Recreation

4/27                                    Reiki Level Two                         9-5                        Private Practice

5/11                                    Reiki Level One                        9-5                        Private Practice

5/14 & 5/21                        Reiki Level Two                        5-9                        Franklin Recreation

6/1                                    ART Reiki Master                         9-5                        Private Practice

6/15                                    Master Teacher                        9-5                        Private Practice



Rhiana also provides private classes for your group or family and one-on- one classes upon request. Also, Rhiana is available to teach Karuna Reiki Levels One and Two; the prerequisite for this class is a year’s experience after the Master Teacher course.


To Register for classes:

Private Practice: Contact Rhiana at 262-498-4162 or bereiki1@gmail.com

Franklin Community Ed Office: at 414-423-4646 or www.franklincomedrec.org